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Matemáticas e informática

Matemáticas y otras áreas afines; informática y otras disciplinas afines (sólo desarrollo de software; el desarrollo de equipos debe clasificarse en ingeniería)

The largest Laplacian and adjacency indices of complete caterpillars of fixed diameter

Año: 2015
Disciplina OCDE: Matemáticas e informática  

Computing the maximal signless Laplacian index among the graphs of prescribed order and diameter

Año: 2015
Disciplina OCDE: Matemáticas e informática  

Nonnegative inverse elementary divisors problem in the left half plane

Año: 2015

Numerical Reconstruction of spring-mass system from two nondisjoint Spectra

Año: 2015

Persymmetric and bisymmetric nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problema

Año: 2015

Normal nonnegative realization of spectra

Año: 2015

The Very Fast Evolution of V4334 Sgr

Año: 2015

Spectral turning bands for efficient Gaussian random fields generation on GPUs and accelerators

Año: 2015

Coronene and Pyrene (5,7)-member Ring Defects

Año: 2015

How to Build Pentagons and Heptagons from Hexagons around AGB Stars, Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time

Año: 2015

The Very Fast Evolution of the VLTP Object V4334 Sgr, 19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs

Año: 2015

OH populations and temperatures from simultaneous spectroscopic observations of 25 bands

Año: 2015

Molecfit: A general tool for telluric absorption correction. II. Quantitative evaluation on ESO-VLT/X-Shooterspectra

Año: 2015

Molecfit: A general tool for telluric absorption correction. I. Method and application to ESO instruments

Año: 2015

The Innsbruck/ESO sky models and telluric correction tools. The possibility of atmospheric monitoring for Čerenkov telescopes

Año: 2015

Airglow continuum emission in the visible wavelength regime

Año: 2015

Astronomical spectra as powerful source for airglow studies

Año: 2015

On the influence of non-LTE effects on OH rotational temperatures

Año: 2015

Molecfit: Telluric absorption correction tool

Año: 2015

Atmospheric Research with Astronomical Facilities

Año: 2015