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Ciencias físicas

Narrow-band imaging of born-again planetary nebulae

Año: 1997

Science Observations of Comet Hale-Bopp over Innsbruck

Año: 1997

Comet Hale-Bopp over Innsbruck

Año: 1997

Extinction map of Chamaeleon I molecular cloud with DENIS star counts

Año: 1997

The deep near-infrared southern sky survey (DENIS)

Año: 1997

Novalike Variable in Sagittarius

Año: 1997

A late He-flash just in time for ISO?

Año: 1997

The ground-based leg for our ISO PNe: NIR-imaging

Año: 1997

The database of Galactic PNe in Innsbruck

Año: 1997

Sakurai's Object, a Late Helium-Flash

Año: 1997

Detection of Covered Substructures in Multidimensional Parameter Space: an Application for the DENIS Survey, The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys

Año: 1997

The Database of Galactic Planetary Nebulae at Innsbruck: a DENIS Sub-Database, The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys

Año: 1997

LargeScale Surface Photometry of the Galactic Center, The Galactic Center

Año: 1996

Planetary Nebulae: Exploitation of ISO and DeNIS Data

Año: 1996

Component analysis-New approaches for (DENIS) survey data

Año: 1995

Data processing for the DENIS project

Año: 1995

Search for low mass stars with DENIS. Preliminary results on a star forming region: Orion

Año: 1995

The DEep Near-Infrared Survey of the Southern Sky

Año: 1995

Searching for Low-Mass Stars with DENIS. Preliminary Results on a Star Forming Region: Orion, The Bottom of the Main Sequence - and Beyond

Año: 1995

Exploiting the deep near infrared sky survey

Año: 1995