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Ciencias químicas

Potential hepatoprotective effects of new Cuban natural products in rat hepatocytes culture

Año: 2008

Interactions of polyphenols with P450 system: possible implications on human therapeutics

Año: 2008

Scavenger effect of a mango (Mangifera indica L.) food supplement’s active ingredient on free radicals produced by human polymorphonuclear cells and hypoxanthine–xanthine oxidase chemiluminescence systems

Año: 2008

“Thallium Levels and Bioaccumulation in Environmenal Samples of Northern Chile: Human Health Risk”

Año: 2009

Proyecto País CHI-7012: “Supporting the Quantification of Inorganic and Methylated Arsenic and Plasmatic Lead Species as Biological Indicators for Occuptional Exposure”

Año: 2009